NOTES: Early Medieval Art in Europe 15

The world then.... 5th century Western Empire dissolves from Roman authority Replaced with ruling individuals outside this cultural group called Barbarians (they could only 'barble' the Latin language) - - Germanic tribes (the Alaric, the Celts, the Visigoths, the Vandals, the Goths, the Ostrogoths) Some of these Germanic tribesmen were allies to Rome. When Constantine's troops took over Maxemtius at the Milvian Bridge many of Constantine's men were the "barbarians." The fall of Rome shocked the Christian world psychologically and Bishop Augustine of Hippo (St. Augustine, d. 430) writes The City of God -- a text that establishes a grounding in Christian philosophy Chi Rho Iota page from The Book of Kells Probably from Iota, Scotland Late 8th c. Early 9th c. Oxgall inks and pigments on vellum approx. 13" x 9" (larger than college ruled paper!) p.429 Large, ornate manuscripts to celebrate the word of God Chi Rho Iota - Greek ...