MULTI MEDIA PROJECT: Comparative Analysis

Student presentations This assignment allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and present it within the class setting. Similar to your essay assignments, you will create a comparative analysis between two forms. Process Part ONE Select one image from our text (either found in the Introduction through Chapter 10 or Chapter 11 and Chapter 18) Your second image is to be found from the world of images made in the last century, between 1917 - 2017 They may be similar in subject matter or in their formal qualities. Part TWO Making use of the formal elements and principles of design, speak about the comparison between two forms: How are they are alike? How are they different? Part THREE Organize your group into who will present first, second, third, etc. Organize your group knowing chronology of presenters. Place all your images onto ONE THUMB DRIVE. > It can be a PPT, or any other form you wish. ...