Student Research Papers #2 examples

Analysis of : Chi Rho Iota, The Book of Kells Ox Gall Inks and Pigment on Vellum, 8th/9ths Century, Iona, Scotland One of the pages in this noteworthy illuminated manuscript, commonly known as The Book of Kells , depicts the Ancient Roman symbol; Chi Rho Iota. Made by Irish Monks in a monastery in Iona, an island off the western coast of Scotland, the cherished book was constructed around the concept of Christianity and was created to celebrate the “word of god” in the eyes of its religious followers. The 12 3/4” x 9 1/2” ceremonial book is just a little bit larger than the average sized piece of college ruled paper, but it holds major historical significance. Fleeing in the arms of its Irish keepers in response to Viking attacks, the book was transported from Iona to the mainland of Kells, Ireland ...